The Pictures Gallery

Welcome to the Chu Van An IB1 Class of 1970 photo gallery of events. Here are the souvernir's collection of all students in the class of CVA B1-1970 past and present. Hopefully, you enjoy it as all remaining classmates now spread out all over the world.
To view a gallery, simply click on the link associated with a particular event. If you have any question, please send e-mail to sanhue51@yahoo.com

The Headlines

Reunion 2000

The memorable pictures of the first reunion after 30 years of graduation. Held on June 25th to July 1st, 2000 in the beautiful cities of Toronto and Montreal of Canada.

Reunion 2015

After fifteen years of the first, this second reunion was held on October 18th to 25th, 2015 in Little Saigon, Orange County, California USA.

Reunion 2016

This special reunion held on September 23th, 2016 to October 2nd, 2016 in Toronto and Montreal, Canada, the second time.

Reunion 2018

The most recent reunion held on October 20th, 2018 to October 24th, 2018 in Saigon and Hanoi, the nostalgic and notorious cities of Vietnam. This is our home coming after almost half of century.

Reunion 2020

This coming reunion will be held on June 24th, 2020 in Berlin, Stockholm, St. Peterburg, Moscow, Helsinki, Tallin and Visby, the famous cities of NorthEastern Europe.


The valuable collection of traceable anticly images.